Come join us ..

Sevenoaks and Tonbridge Concert Band with Sevenoaks Primary

Sunday 8th December 6.30pm

Christmas Carols by Candle Light

Sunday 22nd December 6pm

Christmas Day Service

25th December 10.30am

Welcome to Our Church

For over 100 years our church has been where the love of God is shown to anyone entering the doors. We would love you to be part of our present and future journey. We’re united by a common desire to explore the Christian message and to encourage each other in living it day by day.

At the heart of our life together is Sunday Worship at 10.30. Café and Evening Services at 5pm – see our events calendar for more information. We look forward to extending a warm welcome to you.

Where ever you are from, where ever you are going, you are always welcome here.

Whether you are exploring faith or looking for a church, you are most welcome here. What can you expect? Read on.

Can we help?

Weddings, Baptisms, Room Hire – Enquire here…

House Groups

Read about our House Groups, fellowship and pastoral care…

We're online

Online Giving, Worship, Prayers, Coffee and more …


Prayer of the Day. Saturday prayers via Zoom.

A Word in Time

Daily Bible Passage 

Little Drivers

Our friendly Friday playgroup

ECO Church

Read about our sustainability links

Ask, Seek, Knock

Service Times


10.30 am Morning Service, followed by coffee and chat

5pm Café Service – Monthly

5pm Evening Service 



Join us in Person – FIND US or Online


Contact Details


01732 465071



The Drive, Sevenoaks, TN13 3AE 



Our Facebook Page

                  Recent Events


Deptford Mission

We were delighted to host a lunch for our friends
from Deptford Mission with musical
accompaniment from Skiffle Express.

Loved & Remembered

Our annual light a candle service attended by the Councillor Libby Ancrum, Mayor of Sevenoaks and Danusia Atkinson from Sevenoaks Counselling.

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