Little Drivers

Come and join us at the Cornwall Hall at the rear of the Church from 9:30 am to 11:30 am on Friday mornings during term time. 

We offer a welcoming, safe and happy environment for Mums, Dads and carers with babies and children under 3 years old. We have a lovely large space and provide lots of toys and ride-ons. Our session includes craft activity and singing. We provide a healthy snack for the children (please bring their own drinks) and coffee for the grown-ups.

Our charges are per session – £2 for adult and up to 2 children, £3 for more than 3 children. CASH ONLY.



Next Term Dates

Friday 10th January to 4th April 2025. Half term 21st February.

                                                                                          Friday 2nd May to 30th July. Half term 30th May.

Little Drivers Enquiries

Contact the Little Drivers at or telephone the church office on 01732 465071.