The Retreat
A group of 7 alms houses at the rear of the church.
For details on the criteria for occupation please contact our office.
Deptford Mission
The Deptford Mission offers friendship, support and a sense of community to those who would otherwise be isolated by their personal circumstances. The Drive has supported the work of this mission for over thirty years.
Future Pillars
Future Pillars Zambia (FPZ) supports over 1,000 vulnerable children in Kabwe central Zambia.
The Drive Church has adopted FPZ as one of its main supported charities. Read the Latest Newsletter here.
Trinity School
A co-educational state-funded Christian school whose aim is to provide an education that encourages students to grow and develop into all that God has called them. The Drive supports the School by regular attendance in key business meetings and monthly prayer meetings.
Little Drivers
Our friendly Friday playgroup. Click here for more details.
Weekday Walkers
Fellowship and exercise in the fresh air. Join us for a 5 mile walk around the Kent countryside once a month.
And many more …
The Drive gives financial support from fund raising events and personal donations to other charities including: Christian Aid, Action for Children, Methodists Home for the Aged, Methodist Fund for World Mission.