New to our Church
New to our Church? What can you expect?
At The Drive we pride ourselves in making sure you feel welcome and at home in our Services.
Most people arrive about 10 minutes before the service starts, Sunday services start at 10.30am.
You will be greeted by one of our Welcome Team and they can guide you to a seat if you would like.
There is a corner at the back of the church where younger children can play. There is an assortment of books and toys. You need to be responsible for your children while they are there.
A typical Sunday morning format is opening prayers, hymns (with words on the screen), a Bible reading, an address from the Minister, and closing prayers. The service usually lasts about an hour.
We take communion (usually first Sunday in the month) – as Methodists we offer an open table; all are welcome to receive communion, or if you would prefer only a blessing you are also welcome: non-alcoholic wine is used.
After the service we serve tea and coffee, and we encourage people to stay and chat as we believe that getting to know one another is an important part of church life.
Members of the Welcome Team will be available to answer any questions and someone will be available if you would like them to pray with you.
We do hope you will come along and join us.