Sharing our Faith is an integral part of formal church services. It also happens in House Groups and other meetings and activities, along with fellowship, and an opportunity to increase our understanding of the story of God, in which we find ourselves. These and other activities have an enjoyable social element, along with faith sharing and mutual support.


Sharing Our Faith is built into all the regular services of the church, led by a Minister or Lay Preacher. Based on scripture, the preacher explores and strengthens our faith and belief in God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The very act of praying together confirms our faith in the power of prayer.

We sing hymns which are expressions of our faith in God –  “Oh God our help in ages past, our Hope for years to come”; in Christ – “Just as I am, without one plea, but that Thy blood was shed for me”; and the Holy Spirit – “Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me”.

We often share “The Grace”, face to face with hands clasped, a profound act of Sharing our Faith and say “The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, now and evermore. Amen.” 

Holy Communion demonstrates our faith in the living presence of Christ Jesus when we celebrate symbolically His sacrifice of His Body and Blood.


Outside of these corporate activities we meet in many different settings. Five House or Fellowship Groups meet twice monthly in the homes of members, and all warmly welcome newcomers. Sharing our faith is a major part of these groups. Topics, are usually chosen independently by each group, but occasionally the same topic is tackled by all groups. Groups also support the monthly Sunday evening “Café Service” in the church, by taking it in turns to provide refreshments, where in round-table discussions faith is shared. The weekly Tuesday Fellowship, and monthly Thursday Club and Men’s Forum are other meetings where speakers present a range of topics, but meetings usually open with prayer and issues around faith commonly arise. Sunday Lunch Together in various hostelries, and Weekday Walkers both monthly, provide opportunities for sharing our faith along with pleasant social interaction. For more detail about all these activities see What’s On.